Manatee Kennel Club Membership Application Form

Name Date
Address City State/Zip
Telephone: home cell email
Current Breed(s) Past breed(s)
Owner Handler Judge Breeder Exhibitor

What current clubs do you belong to?

What current offices do you hold?

Past memberships/offices held?

How many litters do you have annually?                                    Are you a member in good standing with the AKC?

Name of Manatee member acquainted with you (sponsorship not required)?

Name of Veterinary/clinic?

Why do you wish to join Manatee Kennel Club?

Talents or expertise you have that will benefit MKC?

Manatee Kennel Club, Inc, an AKC member club, meets the firstTuesday of each month. Our meeting place is conference room A at the Pinnacle Plaza 327 6th Ave West, Bradenton.

All prospective members must attend 2 meetings (within a 6-month period) and work ( or be scheduled to work) on 2 projects OR attend 3 meetings (within a 6-month period) and work (or be scheduled to work) on one project. If a member fails to complete the scheduled projects within a 6 month period, Manatee Kennel Club, Inc. reserves the right to refund membership dues, but not the application fee. The Manatee Kennel Club, Inc. has the discretion to extend the time period for the completion of projects with a legitimate excuse (health).

I am interested in working or assisting at:


         Trophy Advertising Decorating Parking Vendors Transportation

         Hospitality Logistics Admissions Grounds Flowers Ring Stewards Education

         Publicity Sign Distribution Other (please indicate)


     Conducting Conformation Classes           Seminars           Canine Legislation Watchdog           Other (please indicate)

GENERAL CLUB:          Club Meeting Refreshments           Equipment Inventory           Constitution and By-Laws

Auditing           Website          Computer Graphics           Typing           Other (please indicate)

I, the undersigned in good standing with the AKC, do hereby state that I have read and understand the number of membership meetings and projects necessary for consideration for membership. Please submit my application for membership to the Manatee Kennel Club, Inc. I subscribe to the purposes of the club and understand that as a member I am expected to actively participate in the club and attend its meetings.

Applicant Signature:  __________________________________________Date ____________

Enclosed are $10.00 for application fee and $10 for membership dues for one year. Applications received prior to September 1st will pay dues for the entire year, applications received after September 1st will pay dues for one-half year. Application fee remains $10.


Application fees Paid (treasurer) Date
Membership Dues Paid (treasurer) Date
Scheduled and Completed MKC Activities
Activity 1: Date
Member Sign –off
Activity 2: Date
Member Sign –off
Board Approval: Date
Membership Approval: Date
Items below to be sent or presented by the Corresponding Secretary:
Welcoming Card
Constitution and By-Laws
Membership Card and Membership List Date