Manatee Kennel Club
Membership Requirements  

Manatee Kennel Club welcomes all new prospective members.
A Membership Application may be obtained by attending any meeting.

Manatee Kennel Club general meetings are held on the 1st Tuesday of each month at 7:30 pm (except August) at:

Nelco Co.,
327 6th Ave. West
Bradenton, Fl.

All prospective members must attend 2 meetings within a 6-month period and work or be scheduled to work on 2 projects
attend 3 meetings within a 6-month period and work or be scheduled to work on 1 project.
A prospective member must be in good standing with the American Kennel Club

If a member fails to complete the scheduled projects within a 6 month period, Manatee Kennel Club reserves the right to refund the membership dues, but not the application fee, and remove the name from the membership roster.  The club has the discretion to extend the time period for the completion of projects with a legitimate excuse.

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